Student Enrolment Trends

Headcount% of TotalHeadcount% of TotalHeadcount% of TotalHeadcount% of Total
 Gender 33 762100.00% 35 482100.00% 36 064100.00% 37 603100.00%
 Female 19 58258.00% 20 84558.75% 21 28759.03% 22 27259.23%
 Male 14 18042.00% 14 62941.23% 14 76640.94% 15 31340.72%
 Unknown 00.00% 80.02% 110.03% 180.05%
 Race 33 762100.00% 35 482100.00% 36 064100.00% 37 603100.00%
 African 25 13774.45% 27 56877.70% 28 81179.89% 30 86682.08%
 Coloured 6 94120.56% 6 40618.05% 5 97216.56% 5 62614.96%
 Indian 2010.60% 1900.54% 1740.48% 1710.45%
 No Information 600.18% 800.23% 770.21% 780.21%
 White 1 4234.21% 1 2383.49% 1 0302.86% 8622.29%
 Qualification Level 33 762100.00% 35 482100.00% 36 064100.00% 37 603100.00%
 Occasional 1260.37% 1250.35% 910.25% 00.00%
 Post Graduate 2 2796.75% 2 6437.45% 2 8557.92% 2 5346.74%
 Under Graduate 31 35792.88% 32 71492.20% 33 11891.83% 35 06993.26%

Success Rates

Graduation Trends

Graduates% of TotalGraduates% of TotalGraduates% of TotalGraduates% of Total
 Gender 7 646100.00% 7 885100.00% 8 372100.00% 00.00%
 Female 4 73361.90% 4 95462.83% 5 29763.27% 00.00%
 Male 2 91338.10% 2 93037.16% 3 07436.72% 00.00%
 Unknown 00.00% 10.01% 10.01% 00.00%
 Race 7 646100.00% 7 885100.00% 8 372100.00% 00.00%
 African 5 23168.41% 5 82373.85% 6 46977.27% 00.00%
 Coloured 1 89224.74% 1 60920.41% 1 50918.02% 00.00%
 Indian 710.93% 480.61% 470.56% 00.00%
 No Information 30.04% 120.15% 180.22% 00.00%
 White 4495.87% 3934.98% 3293.93% 00.00%
 Qualification Level 7 646100.00% 7 885100.00% 8 372100.00% 00.00%
 Occasional 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00%
 Post Graduate 5437.10% 88811.26% 1 14913.72% 00.00%
 Under Graduate 7 10392.90% 6 99788.74% 7 22386.28% 00.00%

Graduation Rates

Permanent Academic Staff

Headcount% of TotalHeadcount% of TotalHeadcount% of TotalHeadcount% of Total
 Gender 820100.00% 847100.00% 813100.00% 00.00%
 Female 38446.83% 40047.23% 38747.60% 00.00%
 Male 43653.17% 44752.77% 42652.40% 00.00%
 Unknown 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00%
 Race 820100.00% 847100.00% 813100.00% 00.00%
 African 29235.61% 31637.31% 30837.88% 00.00%
 Coloured 26632.44% 26531.29% 25631.49% 00.00%
 Indian 516.22% 586.85% 607.38% 00.00%
 No Information 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00%
 White 21125.73% 20824.56% 18923.25% 00.00%
 Rank 820100.00% 847100.00% 813100.00% 00.00%
 Associate director 516.22% 384.49% 344.18% 00.00%
 Associate professor 425.12% 424.96% 415.04% 00.00%
 Director 50.61% 40.47% 40.49% 00.00%
 Junior lecturer 627.56% 586.85% 536.52% 00.00%
 Lecturer 51462.68% 56366.47% 55568.27% 00.00%
 Professor 182.20% 141.65% 101.23% 00.00%
 Senior lecturer 12815.61% 12815.11% 11614.27% 00.00%
 Nationality 820100.00% 847100.00% 813100.00% 00.00%
 Americas 20.24% 20.24% 20.25% 00.00%
 Asian 91.10% 91.06% 101.23% 00.00%
 Australasia 00.00% 00.00% 00.00% 00.00%
 Europe 10.12% 10.12% 10.12% 00.00%
 Other African 435.24% 414.84% 384.67% 00.00%
 SADC 536.46% 566.61% 546.64% 00.00%
 South African 71286.83% 73887.13% 70887.08% 00.00%

Academic Staff Full-Time Equivalent

FTE% of TotalFTE% of TotalFTE% of TotalFTE% of Total
 Gender 1 064.772100.00% 1 064.691100.00% 1 048.976100.00% 0.0000.00%
 Female 487.67445.80% 497.09346.69% 495.78247.26% 0.0000.00%
 Male 577.09854.20% 567.59853.31% 553.19452.74% 0.0000.00%
 Unknown 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00%
 Race 1 064.772100.00% 1 064.691100.00% 1 048.976100.00% 0.0000.00%
 African 410.11038.52% 433.24140.69% 439.19041.87% 0.0000.00%
 Coloured 325.82830.60% 319.19129.98% 309.18029.47% 0.0000.00%
 Indian 60.0545.64% 64.1356.02% 67.2016.41% 0.0000.00%
 No Information 0.3990.04% 0.2900.03% 0.1820.02% 0.0000.00%
 White 268.38125.21% 247.83423.28% 233.22322.23% 0.0000.00%
 Rank 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00%
 Associate director 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00%
 Associate professor 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00%
 Director 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00%
 Junior lecturer 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00%
 Lecturer 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00%
 Professor 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00%
 Senior lecturer 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00% 0.0000.00%
 Nationality 1 064.772100.00% 1 064.691100.00% 1 048.976100.00% 0.0000.00%
 Americas 2.3210.22% 2.0090.19% 2.0000.19% 0.0000.00%
 Asian 10.8081.02% 10.8141.02% 11.2621.07% 0.0000.00%
 Australasia 1.0000.09% 0.9180.09% 1.0000.10% 0.0000.00%
 Europe 1.0300.10% 1.8110.17% 2.3000.22% 0.0000.00%
 Other African 76.0677.14% 74.4246.99% 73.6037.02% 0.0000.00%
 SADC 82.6217.76% 83.8347.87% 82.6197.88% 0.0000.00%
 South African 890.92583.67% 890.88183.68% 876.19283.53% 0.0000.00%

Academic Staff with PhD

Student Profile

Staff Profile

Institutional Planning Directorate | Analytics and Business Intelligence


Data for 2023 Student Submission 3 and Staff Submission 1 updated on August 07 2024


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ACCESS 1 st-time entering UG 8 905 25% total 35 482 headcount 2023 postgraduate 2 643 32 714 undergraduate occasional headcount : 125 7% 92%
Science, Engineering, Technology 16 912 48% Business/Management 10 064 28%
Education 5 446 15% Other Humanities 3 059 9%
International headcount :
1 042
Graduate output
ratio (%)
21% Undergraduate 6 997
34% Postgraduate 888
22% All graduates 7 885
success rate (%)
UG African
success rate (%)
success rate (%)
Undergraduate Scarce-skills graduate outputGraduate
ratio (%)
19% Engineering 1 202
UG Scarce-skills
success rate (%)
UG Scarce-skills graduate ratio (%)
20% Life and physical sciences 364
27% Animal and human health 1
19% Teacher education 897
Permanent instructional/research professional staff
% of total
permanent HC
30% Headcount (HC) 847
30% Full-time equivalents (FTE) 814
% of total
instruction FTEs
Total instructional/research professional staff (FTE)
1 065
% Staff with
masters degrees
% Staff with
doctoral degrees
Student to staff ratio (FTE)
Publication units per FTE staff 0.400
Research graduates
Masters M 169 Doctoral D 39
Research outputs
Research output per permanent Instruction/Research staff (HC)